401 Grand Ave., Suite 380 Oakland, CA 510-328-3133

Team Information

Dr. George Woods


Dr. Woods is a practicing neuropsychiatrist and internationally known mental health expert. Over the past several decades, Dr. Woods has consulted on and testified in numerous high profile civil and criminal cases. He is currently President of the International Academy of Law and Mental Health. He is also Vice-Chairperson of the Challenging Behaviors Special Interest Research Group of the International Association for the Specialized Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, while serving as Associate Editor of the Journal of Policy and Practice for the same organization. Since 2002, he has taught Clinical Aspects of Forensic Psychiatry at Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia (currently on sabbatical until 2016), and is a Lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law. He is co-host of Where Mental Health Meets the Law, a Thomson Reuters webinar with Westlaw. Dr. Woods has published extensively on topics including neurobehavioral assessment in forensic mental health, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, cultural factors in assessing the mentally disordered, trauma, financial fraud, and intellectual disability. Dr. Woods has also consulted with forensic systems internationally, including Malawi, The Hague, Uganda, Kenya, Zanzibar, Senegal, Tanzania, Italy, and Japan.

  • (510) 328-3133
  • admin@themarshclinics.com
  • 401 Grand Ave., Suite 380 Oakland, CA 94610
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